Scientific Healing Articles
Have you ever promised yourself that you are going to accomplish something, like start a...
Now that you've eaten your fill of holiday foods, you might want to consider a detox of some sort...
Discover the lessons I learned from healing my dad of his stroke twice, a major event at age 83...
When you are criticized without the balance of compliments in your early life, it has profound...
After a relationship energy healing, you are always in danger of being reinfected with the same...
2/3 of Americans are...
In this broadcast, I explain the difference between being centered and being grounded, not the...
How to release your “negative” emotions to empower you and your immune system. ...
Clayten Stedmann and Jeffrey Stegman, the founders of FLFE Innovations Corp., keep upgrading...
In this broadcast, you'll hear about some of the top coping behaviors you could develop growing...
Three quick energy tips to protect yourself against negative energy from others so you can come...
Three empowering language patterns that can propel you to the next level of success or do the...